Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lots of photos because...

I've been very slack. Here are some cakes I've made over the last couple of years - have to go to work soon, will try to upload more pics another day soon.. Order and quality of pictures is totally random! So, sorry!
(Started a new blog about my ants, and remembered this one to be honest!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas baking!

Now that I'm back home and Christmas has been and gone, I thought I'd share a few pics of the baking from Christmas time. I made fruit cake cupcakes and brandy buttercream, a gingerbread Christmas tree and Mia decorated a few of the gingerbread biscuits for Santa! Too cute!

Friday, December 18, 2009

An early start to 'the big day'!

The day went well and was very exciting for both of the kids :) We had a few friends visit for afternoon tea and cake and we all had a great time.

Mum dropped in a couple of bar tins last week that she found at her house, so it made it really easy to make a number 1 cake which I covered in smarties (obviously pulled them off Harry's slice seeing as though he only has the very beginnings of 1 tooth!).

Pretty playgroup cupcakes

The title says it all really :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas cupcakes for Mia's teachers!

I have had such a busy day, but I've just finished these so wanted to show you all. Mia's teachers have been wonderful and she'll miss them next year when she starts school. I ended up using a few decoration ideas that I had going around (and around and around!) in my head, so hopefully my head will be lighter now :P

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Harry's 'nearly birthday' cake - success!

Well today we had Grandparents and an Aunty over for Harry's nearly birthday celebration :) The day went really well and little Harry was more than impressed with his first taste of cake!! He wasn't too sure about the candle and the singing though!

Seeing as though he loves things with wheels and I had less time than anticipated to bake and decorate, I decided on a Sacher Torte (because I like it) with chocolate buttercream and decorated it as a construction site.

I think the pictures say it all, don't you?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Harry's birthday

Harry's first birthday is next week!! Unreal! I don't know where the year has gone.

I'm having so much trouble deciding what cakes to make for him though - so many options.

He loves cars, trains, balls and anything with wheels so one would think it would be an easy choice. But anyone who knows me will know how indecisive I am with big decisions like this one :P

I can't wait to see what the next year will bring for my fluffy-haired little blondie.